Links for Web Resources

Everyone – I am updating in October 26, 2021.

This past summer, I had the honor of serving as a 2021 Fellow with the International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello, one of Thomas Jefferson’s slave plantations.  I am most interested in why abolitionist Quakers would agree to provide goods or work for Thomas Jefferson in Philadelphia or his slave plantations.  Additionally, I am studying Quakers and disowned Quakers and their families who worked with Jefferson in order to understand shifting values among Quaker intellectual and merchant elites in the early national period.  In the back of my mind is the question, “Does everything always come down to money?

If you would like to watch my Virtual Fellows talk from August 24, 2021, here is the link, and I welcome your comments.  Go to the bottom of my page for the recording.

Here is the NJEA Review article I wrote last October in PDF form, published as part of the New Jersey State Library resources, entitled “Black Lives Matter,” with extensive resources on African Americans and the American Revolution, links, and organizations mentions.

If this piece does not work… here is another link,

See also an NJS: An Interdisciplinary Studies article about important African American resources for the American Revolution.

Don’t forget to check out the NJS:  An Interdisciplinary Studies publish talk on the murder of NJ enslaved woman named “Wench Betty.”

I look forward to sharing more with you!  And, please stay safe during our continuing Covid-19 crisis.


Sue Kozel
